IDIC 15 Cody
Our benefit was held on
Sunday July 11, 2010

Cody is now 9yrs old!

Thank you for caring about Cody!

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IDIC 15 Families

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Fund Raising

Our Family

IDIC 15 benefit brought to you by Cody's family!

(In the photos)

Cody's Papa and Mama are Damian & Sara

Cody has three brothers and one sister, Nick 26yrs, Logan 10yrs, Tyler 5yrs, and Maggie 3yrs

Cody's Grandparents are Sal & Juanita, and Julie & Brian

Cody's Great-Grandparents are Juanita and Mert & Bob

Cody's Godparents are Debra & Nick

We appreciated your family spending time with our family, enjoying good food and a nice time together for Cody and raising awareness for IDIC 15.

Cody is still non-verbal. The reality is he may never talk but if you've ever gotten a hug from him, you understand quickly that he knows how to communicate.

Many children with IDIC 15 do not have normal life spans. And unfortunately, far too many do not live past their twenties and doctors really don't know why. See IDIC 15 article here.

Our goal is to continue to improve Cody's quality of life and enjoy every moment we can with him and to always accept him as he is. Thank you!

IDIC 15 Cody

Click picture for Cody's video

Click picture for IDIC 15 video

All content copyright 2010-2018 IDIC 15 Cody